AFL Speaker Series: 

Stanely Idzerda and the Lafayette Papers

January 29, 2025

Click Play button above to enjoy the recording of the interview.

Stanley Idzerda was the leading Lafayette scholar in the late 20th century. He was the editor of the Lafayette Papers Project at Cornell University, which saw the publication of five volumes on “Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution” from 1977-1983. He was also the principal proponent of a new, more positive, less ironic, way of telling the story of Lafayette’s life and career which differed from the prevailing Lafayette scholarship that had followed in the footsteps of the great University of Chicago Lafayette scholar, Louis Gottschalk.

           We've decided to honor this man and his work by having a panel discussion for everyone to see and hear (on Zoom).   We are honored to have on this panel three people who knew Dr. Idzerda very well:

1.) His daughter, Mary R. Perko

2.) Robert Rhodes Crout, AFL President Emeritus, who served with Dr. Idzerda as associate editor and then co-editor of the Lafayette Papers Project at Cornell

3.) AFL member Lloyd Kramer, who also worked on the Lafayette Papers Project at Cornell.

            They will discuss Stan Idzerda, the man and his significance for the study and interpretation of Lafayette’s life and career.  This will be a lively discussion with a great deal of "behind the scenes" information and fun anecdotes.  

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