
Thank you for your interest in America's favorite fighting Frenchman! Members of AFL can log in by clicking the log in button at the top of this page.

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The American Friends of Lafayette is thrilled to have successfully launched reenactments reliving the thirteen-month bicentennial celebration of Maior General Lafayette's triumphant return tour to America!

Follow us on Lafayette200.org!

                              Take a Tour!

Explore any Lafayette Tour location with this interactive audio tour! You can take the tour remotely by clicking on the white arrow in the green circle below or enjoy the tour on-site by downloading the TravelStorys app for free.
The audio, text, and images will launch automatically as you approach each story site.

Bicentennial Promo

The Wombles in Suffolk

Latest News

  • The Bicentennial Tour continues. Book your seats at Suffolk, Fayetteville, New Orleans, Louisville, and more!
  • Check out some highlights from the NYC event here, here, and here!
  • Take a look at the Lafayette featured, award-winning submission from the Great American Stamp Show HERE
  • Have you checked out our Store? Click HERE

(Shopping hint: shop, add to cart, then checkout as a GUEST so that you don't have to register an account to make a purchase.)

    • Lafayette College Skillman Library has digitized ALL of our Gazettes. All Gazettes are searchable. Click HERE to explore!

    About the AFL

    The American Friends of Lafayette is an organization aware of the ideals of this great French visionary leader, the inspirational quality of his remarkable career, his contributions to our own struggle for liberty, and his ceaseless efforts to forge an eternal bond of friendship between the United States and France.

    The goal of The American Friends of Lafayette is to foster and promote this traditional friendship by way of continual research into the history that began with the American War for Independence and includes any documents and discoveries past and present that shed more light on the life of the Marquis.

    Members assist in reaching our goals by attending annual meetings, hosting lectures, donating books, erecting statues, attending the annual Yorktown Victory Celebration and related events and much more.

    The Gazette is published twice per year.  It is a scholarly publication, with lighthearted articles sprinkled in as well.   Amazingly enough, the Gazette routinely surpasses 100 pages in size.

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    Please tell us which Bicentennial Event you would like us to dedicate this. Another option is to donate to the National efforts in general.

    Upcoming events

    Copyright The American Friends of Lafayette 2018.
    "The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
    Mail correspondence to: PO Box 84114 Gaithersburg, MD 20883
    email: americanfriendsoflafayette@gmail.com

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