AFL Speaker Series: 

An Interview with Julien Icher

January 29, 2021

Click Play button above to enjoy the recording of the interview.

here is a link to share:

 The Lafayette Trail, Inc. is a nonprofit organization with the missions to increase mutual understanding between the peoples of France and the United States, to raise awareness about Lafayette's critical contribution to the founding of the United States, and to document, map, and mark Lafayette's footsteps in the United States during his 1824-1825 Farewell Tour. 

Have you ever wondered what motivated Julien Icher to start The Lafayette Trail?

Are you curious about his travels?

How many markers has the Lafayette Trail placed so far?

Who designed the actual markers that are being placed?

What does he miss most about his home country, France?

What was his most bizarre moment on American soil?

What does the future hold for the Lafayette Trail?

Copyright The American Friends of Lafayette 2024
"The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Mail correspondence to: PO Box 84114 Gaithersburg, MD 20883

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