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27 Reasons why we should Honor General Lafayette

Unfortunately, many of our present generation of young Americans have lost sight and interest in the foundations or the historical significance of American Revolutionary War history. We therefore need to remind them and future generations of this millennium that America for many good reasons is still the leader of the free world and that the freedoms we cherish today resulted from the sacrifices of our founding fathers and our foreign volunteers like Lafayette. Click here for the 27 Reasons.

Adrienne Lafayette

Adrienne de Noailles de Lafayette, a remarkable woman, shared in the same liberal causes as her husband.

Timeline 1757 - Present

Chateau Chavaniac

The Birthplace of General Lafayette, Chateau Chavaniac, France. September 6, 1757

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"The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Email: americanfriendsoflafayette@gmail.com

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