5:00 pm at Lafayette Square
Five Short Talks
Given by Explore Buffalo
Lafayette as abolitionist, his role in the Revolutionary War, photos of his 1825 arrival in Buffalo, & history of the square
Tickets $12.00
Explore@explorebuffalo.org or call
Lafayette visited the Eagle Tavern on his way through Buffalo. Entrepreneur Benjamin Rathburn made it the finest stagecoach stop and public gathering place west of New York City.
The Eagle was on the west side of Main below Court Street (where the Liberty Building is now). It was part of the blossoming of Buffalo’s Main Street, with theatres and hotels, serving notice that a more refined urban life was in the making.
Copyright The American Friends of Lafayette 2024"The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Mail correspondence to: PO Box 84114 Gaithersburg, MD 20883Email: americanfriendsoflafayette@gmail.com