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Louisville/Jeffersonville Celebrations

  • 10 May 2025
  • 12 May 2025
  • Ketucky

The American Friends of Lafayette – Louisville and Jeffersonville Committees and The American Friends of Lafayette, Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Kentucky Masons have organized several exciting activities for the bicentennial of the arrival of Lafayette visit to Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN. 

Lafayette’s Arrival at Old Portland Wharf

Saturday, May 10, 2025. 10am-3pm 3500 Rudd Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky

Free & open to the public

· Re-enactment which commemorates Lafayette’s arrival in Portland, Dry and unharmed by the shipwreck before arriving to Louisville in 1825. Includes a color guard, the playing of the National Anthem and La Marseillaise (French National Anthem).

· Road Marker Unveiling. A new historic road marker will be unveiled near the Old Portland Wharf describing Lafayette’s trip and arrival.

· Portland Celebration. After the unveiling there will be food, snacks and drinks provided by the Louisville Thruston Chapter-SAR, the Louisville Committee and Good Shepherd Catholic Church. For those interested, a tour will go to the location of the original Portland Wharf nearby.

· Plank Road and the Portland Museum. After the ceremony, the activities will move to the Portland Museum nearby following the path of the old Portland-Louisville Plank Turnpike to the museum. There will be a speaker and presentation about Lafayette’s trip to Louisville and the local environment in 1825.

The Lafayette Bicentennial Dinner and Ball

Saturday Evening, May 10, 2025 Pendennis Club 5:30-10pm. 218 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd, Louisville, KY

Enjoy an elegant dinner in the beautiful Pendennis formal dining room with the Marquis de Lafayette. Polish your dance moves at an authentic Federal/Regency Period ball. The kind Dance Master Tom Tombusch of Ohio will call and teach the dances accompanied by the historical stylings of The Lafayette Escadrille musicians.

Dedication of Lafayette Sign and Benches

Sunday, May 11, 2025. 3pm 400 West Market Building Park

·Lafayette and Sons of the American Revolution Benches Dedication. Two benches marking the Lafayette visit and the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution, will be unveiled in downtown Louisville at 3:00 pm. There will be a color guard, the playing of the National Anthem and La Marseillaise, and a speaker describing the purpose of the benches.

Waterfront Park Event

Monday, May 12, 2025– Welcome Lafayette! 10:00am. 1101 E River Rd, Louisville, Ky 40206

Gather at the Big Four Waterfront Park to welcome Lafayette escorted by the Old Guard Army Fife and Drum Corps. Listen to the U.S. & French National anthems. Further welcomed by historic re-enactors of Governor Disha, and Colonel Richard Anderson. Listen to Lafayette respond and then speak and take questions with students. Observe a small Revolutionary War encampment. Then…

Join the Parade of flags to escort Lafayette over the Ohio River. (This is a walking parade over the Big Four Bridge accessed from our location. It is approximately 40-minute walk)

Monday, May 12, 2025-Welcome Lafayette to Jeffersonville, Indiana 1:15pm 223 Pearl St., Jeffersonville IN

Lafayette and his entourage is escorted by U.S. Army The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp to Jeffersonville, IN and is welcomed to the Big Four Station Park by the crowd including Indiana Masons, DAR, SAR, local dignitaries and descendants Zalmon Burritt (Revolutionary War Soldier).

Following this part of our celebration, join in for the Dedication of Unknown Revolutionary War Patriots Memorial and planting of two trees. Colston Park (just a few steps from Big 4 Station). Return to Big Four Station Park for food & drink and toasts to Washington, Nathanael Greene and more!

Monday Evening, May 12, 2025-The Kentucky Masons Welcome Lafayette, 7pm-9pm. 200 E. Gray St. Louisville, KY

Enjoy a play for Lafayette followed by a reception. Featuring The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp.

Copyright The American Friends of Lafayette 2024
"The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Mail correspondence to: PO Box 84114 Gaithersburg, MD 20883
Email: americanfriendsoflafayette@gmail.com

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