He’s back! Lafayette (interpreter Ben Goldman) returns to Portsmouth to reprise his 1824 triumph in which he wowed the citizenry, young and old. On Sunday, September 1, 2024, two hundred years to the day after his Farewell Tour visit, the pageantry of Lafayette’s arrival ceremony and banquet will be recreated – with you in attendance!
Itinerary of the day:
He may be embarrassed by the speech which Peter Reilly of the American Friends of Lafayette will offer: “Lafayette as Superhero: the Farewell Tour in Context.” We will then offer toasts to Lafayette, in true 1824 style. There will be a contest with a prize for the person who can give the best toast to our superhero.
The cost of the banquet – $100 – includes admission to three historic houses and an experience that will come only once in a generation, if not a century. The banquet hall holds only 75 people, so register soon by clicking here: REGISTER
As part of the banquet ticket price (see below), you will be able to tour the John Langdon House, the Warner House, and the John Paul Jones House. Your pass will be valid all day Sunday at the Langdon House; on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Warner House; and both Saturday and Sunday at the John Paul Jones House.
Langdon House: https://www.historicnewengland.org/property/governor-john-langdon-house/
Warner House: https://www.warnerhouse.org/
John Paul Jones House: https://portsmouthhistory.org/jpj/