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Dinner Theater in Portsmouth

  • 17 Oct 2021
  • 5:00 PM
  • Trinity Church Portsmouth, VA

 As part of the Yorktown Victory Celebration events, 


For most of the ninety attendees at our 2021 Annual meeting the highlight was our afternoon in Portsmouth, Virginia.  What made this day most special was the performance by Mary Veale and the Colonials.  This historical acting troupe of men, women and children dazzled us with their reenactments, songs and knowledge of Lafayette.   This has prompted me to schedule our very first AFL dinner theater.

We will gather at the Historic Trinity Church (circa 1828) in Portsmouth, Virginia (500 Court Street).  The event will begin with a tour of the magnificent church including the graveyard, where Colonel Bernard Magnien Of Luneville France rests.  Col. Magnien was an aid to Lafayette during the Revolutionary War, also fought for the American cause in the War of 1812 and was a prominent citizen in Portsmouth until his death in 1819.

After our tour we will gather at the adjacent Fellowship Hall.  It is there where we will enjoy a delicious buffet dinner provided by local chef Bonnie Hammer.  While dining on a French inspired meal we will be entertained on stage by Mary Veale and the Colonials.  They will perform in costume for sixty minutes entertaining us with among other things a new Lafayette-inspired  musical revue, interspersed with monologues, vignettes and and narratives. 

During an intermission, we will have the honor to hear from Dr. Robert B. Albertson, known to his students as "Dr. Bob," as he has taught at Virginia Wesleyan since 1979. Dr. Albertson has been recognized in four recent consecutive editions of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" and is a direct descendant of Pedro Peter Francisco, (a friend and comrade in arms to Lafayette).  Dr. Albertson is a wealth of information on the particulars of Lafayette's farewell tour visit in Portsmouth.  In fact, he lives in the house where Lafayette was entertained on October 25th, 1824.

The cost of this event is $40 Per Person

Copyright The American Friends of Lafayette 2024
"The American Friends of Lafayette" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Email: americanfriendsoflafayette@gmail.com

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